

Refer to the Supported Platforms section for details of which Windows versions are supported. The installer is a 64-bit executable GUI based program named: Microchip-SoftConsole-v2022.2-RISC-V-747-windows-x64-installer.exe

It must be run with administrative privileges. Run the installer and follow the GUI/CLI installer wizard instructions on screen.


Refer to the Supported Platforms section for details of which Linux distributions and versions are supported.


SoftConsole for Linux is now fully 64-bit and unlike previous releases no longer requires additional 32-bit packages installed on Linux 64-bit.

  1. The installer is a 64-bit executable GUI/CLI based program named:

  2. Download the installer and ensure that the execute permission bit is set before attempting to run the installer. If it is not, then set it as follows from the command line (the following assumes that the installer has been downloaded to $HOME/Downloads):

    cd ~/Downloads 
    chmod +x
  3. Some desktop/window managers might not put the installer into the focus or show it in the taskbar. The installation might seem frozen, try to minimalize the terminal window to see the installation dialog underneath.

  4. Follow the installer GUI wizard or console mode instructions on screen.


    If the installation is run as a regular user, then SoftConsole can be installed into the user’s home folder (or folders with the user’s privileges). While running installer as a root user will allow SoftConsole installation globally into any folder.

  5. If, after installing, the “desktop”/”start menu” shortcuts do not appear or work correctly then log out and back in again first. If there is still a problem with shortcuts, make sure the xdg-utils package is installed and uninstall and then reinstall SoftConsole. The installer requires the xdg-utils package to create shortcuts and menus, but the supported distributions should have it already installed by default.