FPGA Developer
- Import the Icicle Kit reference design into Libero SoC Design Suite.
- If you wish to change the MSS Fabric Interface:
- Launch the MSS Configurator.
- Add/edit the peripherals.
- Change the pin assignment of the MSS peripherals.
- Configure the FIC.
- Configure the clocks.
- Change the MSSIO configuration.
- Configure DDR/L2 memory partition.
- Generate the MSS configuration as a MSS component file (cxz).
- Follow the Libero SoC design flow:
- Import the MSS component.
- Add custom HDL.
- Add timing constaints.
- Synthesize.
- Place and Route.
- Initialize eNVM client with HSS binary built with the configuration created in step 2.
- If you wish to decode the FIC address in the fabric, export the Libero memory map and hand over this information to the software developer to import into the embedded flow.
- Program and test the bitstream.